Friday, February 12, 2010

Cello Technical Key

Have been toying with the idea of working on a cello technical key. This would be sort of like what we use in the Master Gardener program for plants/taxonomy. Ask a question, or pose a situation, and then depending on what the answer is, go to a specific numbered response where you either get the answer, or you are asked more questions until you eventually get to the right response. I actually think I could use this type of aid and the actual preparation of the key would be the best education experience possible! Not sure what format would work best; possibly a table?? Online on the blog or just in in word program?? I've seen similar type tables online, but mine would be more specific to my needs.

Thought about this a couple of years ago, but I don't think I was proficient enough (not that I am now) at the time to really pose the questions/issues. Something B said in yesterday's lesson reminded me of the technical key though. It was in Schroeder #39 where she indicated I needed to treat the D, G, F# runs (which repeat three times, hence three times to either screw them up or get them right) more as a chord and to move the thumb back closer to the left hand. I'm thinking that type of technique would be what I could include in the key; maybe not that specific, but a bit more generic.

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