Wednesday, December 16
The concert last night went very well. No major problems. We played about 5 pieces that I hadn't played since last Christmas concert, but they "came back." In one, I even had a solo which I managed to play OK, though I'm not sure I was playing loud enough to be heard well.
The next rehearsal is Monday, January 4th.
Tuesday night we will have our Christmas concert, followed by a feast of finger foods. As I've missed the last two rehearsals, I'll be somewhat hesitant during the performance. I've played every piece before, but perhaps a year ago, except for one: All is Calm, a version of Silent Night. The cello part does not look difficult. Phil will video-record the concert; I've given him strict instructions to keep the video on everyone in the orchestra and NOT to just aim it at me. Jeanne will be in NC so I'll be the only cello player.
Congratulations on your successful concert and solo! Nice to find another cello player who began as an adult.