Played Schroeder #34
Actually played this better at home. Main problems:
Intonation; need to work with a drone and practice getting my fingers straight across the strings when playing 5th chords.
Need to move thumb into position when playing an extension; example, in half notes from E to G#, get the thumb under the third normal finger position. Sort of anticipate the extension.
Will move on to Schroeder #35 for next week. Is longest yet and is at the point; aim for upper 1/3 of bow. Will be playing out of position at various points.
Retired the Breval Sonata in C; was playing that fairly well these past couple of days.
Vivaldi wasn't very good. B usually has something good to say about anything I play, but couldn't come up with anything other than it was better than last week (sight read) but wasn't good.
Pay attention to lines over some of the 8th notes; make longer
Changed the bowing to reflect B's copy and the Suzuki copy
In difficult 8th note passage (one with all the string crossings) pay attention to extensions; was not playing those correctly.
Can use more bow in last 16th note section.
Do a quick vibrato on quarter notes (not too many of those) and appropriate 8th notes; the ones introducing a run of 16th notes. Just a quicky.
Don't rush; don't play 16th notes staccato
Will work on this for next week and will at least attempt to play some of the next part of the allegro movement.
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